Early registration for Summer Camporee has been extended to April 9th. This date will not move again. If enough girls are not registered by this day, we will be forced to cancel the event. Please check the event page for updated deadlines.
As a reminder, you can add girls or adults to your reservation (and roster) up until the final deadline. If you know for certain some of your girls want to go, reserve slots for them and put them on your roster. You can then add the rest of your girls as they make their decisions.
Please remember that this event is Community run by volunteers. If you have an interest in helping to organize an activity please let us know. If you don’t know what you want to organize but are willing to help out where needed let us know that too.
We specifically need volunteers for…
- Archery
- Junior Geocacher Badge Coordinator
- Cadette Night Owl Badge Coordinator
- Daisy Day Coordinator
Please email camp@statecollegegirlscouts.org to let us know how you want to help!