November and December are full of opportunities for our girls to give service back to the community and Make the World a Better Place!
Nov 9: Friends of Golden Pond is looking for high school students to help with a “Family Game Night“.
Nov 17: Cadette Troop 40435 will be hosting a Movie Day event at the UEC 12 in support of our Silver Project for Nittany Greyhounds.
Dec 1: The Junior Women’s Club is looking for Juniors and older Girl Scouts to help with their Elves’ Gift Shop.
Dec 2: Service Unit 416 will be decorating a tree for the Festival of Trees and needs ornaments. Please send your ornaments to the Dec 2nd Service Unit meeting.
Dec 15: Toys for Tots needs scout troops and youth groups to help wrap presents.
The Daisies from Troop 40170 are collecting crayons to recycle for the Crayon Initiative. If you would like to contribute crayons, please send them with your troop leader to the Service Unit meetings.