We want to extend a special congratulations to our G.I.R.L.s who competed in the Friends of Golden Pond Recycled Regatta last weekend. Not only did they all excel at an engineering challenge, they also raised $2,832.06 for Camp Golden Pond.

Troop 40170, 40399, and 40160 all built boats and raced them across Lake Louise. They competed along with Scouts BSA Troop 375, Cub Scout Pack 31, and several families for “Overall Champion”, “Sinking with Style”, “Most Creative Use of Recycled Materials”, and “Best Decorated”.

The 40399 Castaways won “Most Creative Use of Recycled Materials” in the Age 8-12 division for their flipper propelled “Beach Jeep”.

Troop 40160 managed to snag “Best Decorated” for the Age 12-17 division. The judges were convinced they built this pod-racer style boat from the wreckage of a ship to escape a desert island.
You go G.I.R.L.s!
To see more pictures or learn about the Scouts BSA troops our girls were up against, check out the Friends of Golden Pond Regatta Recap.