On Saturday, June 26, our Junior Girl Scouts placed a brand new geocache at Bald Eagle State Park and set free a travel bug.

If you are looking for summer activities for your family or troop, be sure to check out these exciting opportunities in addition to the Summer Outdoor Challenge.
July 17 – Cadette Outdoor Art Badge at Bald Eagle State Park. Cadettes will explore nature photography, learn how modern artists work with nature, and create their own art utilizing the sights and sounds of nature.
July 25 – Hike Spring Creek Canyon with Dave and Megan. This family friendly, guided, 3 mile hike, is suitable for all activity levels.
August 7 – S.T.R.E.A.M. Girls at Black Moshannon State Park. Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts are invited to join Trout Unlimited for an experience you won’t forget! Girls’ hands-on activities will include aquatic bug exploration, stream math, fly tying, fly casting, are and more. No experience is necessary, but a strong interest in watershed conservation outdoors, and scientific inquiry is encouraged.
August 7 – Outdoor Cooking Basics for 4th and 5th graders with Dave at Black Moshannon State Park. Girls will plan a balanced lunch from available options; learn how to cook over a camp stove, a campfire, and in a Dutch oven; as well as how to safely build, maintain, and extinguish a fire.
September 18 – First Aid Badge Day for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors at the Boalsburg Fire Company. Joan, an American Red Cross Certified Instructor, will provide an in-depth introduction to basic first aid skills and cover all requirements for the CSA First Aid Badges.
September 24-26 – Service Unit 416 Fall Camporee and Bridging at Camp Anderson. Registration for the unstructured camporee will open August 1.
If you know of an activity you think the Service Unit should know about, email thismonth@statecollegegirlscouts.org.