The issue we solved is that Pets Come First has too many rabbits and no outdoor space made specifically for them. Previously, the rabbits’ cages were brought outside and the bottoms of the cages were removed so the rabbits could feel the grass. This was not the ideal set up for the rabbits or for the workers as the cages are a struggle to move up and down stairs.
With the rabbit run, the workers can just put the rabbits in their carrying cages and then place them in the rabbit run. This makes the worker’s job easier when caring for the rabbits. It helps rabbits by giving them more outdoor time.
We connected with our community partners, got a tour, and figured out the rabbit’s needs. Then collected donations to make the rabbit run. After we got the supplies we assembled the rabbit run. We assembled it by using power tools safely. We built a frame, wrapped hardware cloth around it, and built a privacy screen. Finally we added a hinged roof. Once we finished assembling the rabbit run we gave it to Pets Come First. We filmed a video in order to inform the community about our project.
The rabbits are happier since they are able to be outside. The workers at Pets Come First will now have more space for more rabbits and it requires less effort for them to care for the rabbits. We built the rabbit run out of sturdy materials so that it can be a permanent structure. We also made a video.
We learned how to use power tools (circular saw, jigsaw, power drill) safely. We learned what a good habitat is for rabbits. We learned about building plans. We learned about following plans and instructions. We learned how to work as a team. We learned about staple guns. We learned about hardware cloth. We learned that you don’t get everything you expect when soliciting donations