When it comes to innovation, fantastic ideas and creative inventions are only half the game. The other half involves figuring out if people would buy your invention or use your idea. In this badge, you’ll find out what it takes to turn a great idea into a business. 1. Brainstorm business ideas 2. Improve one…
Sequence: Innovation
Do you ever wonder what it takes to come up with a new kind of phone or a new way to power a light bulb? Would you like an invention that would help you tie your shoes faster or one to make elevators record your singing while you ride? In this badge, find out how…
Product Designer
A product is anything developed by one person for another. An innovation is an invention that improves people’s lives, like a smartphone or a waterproof fabric for a tent. Some innovations are entirely new, and some take a product that already exists to make it better. In this badge, you’re the product designer. 1. Observe what…
Social Innovator
Girl Scouts are always on the lookout for ways to help others and make a difference. But how do you go from identifying a social problem to developing a social solution? This badge will show you how! And with the skills of a social innovator in your pocket, you’ll be able to create Take Action…