Venture through the Solar System and beyond, and see that space is even bigger than you may have imagined. Model the Solar System Circle the Sun Discover the stars Use the tools to explore Share your sky When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll understand that the Earth orbits the Sun, and how far away the…
Award Level: Junior
Staying Fit
You need a fit body and mind to do all your favorite things, from roller skating to writing in your diary to sharing advice with friends. Jump into this badge to figure out what fitness, food, and fun you need to stay strong for life. 1. Start moving! 2. Keep your fit body fueled 3….
Tech Trek
Try imagining life without technology. How would you call your friends or brush your teeth? Learn about the importance of technology and how it helps people. Steps 1. History of Technology 2. Technology Around Us 3. Design It! 4. Do It! 5. Share! Purpose Foster an appreciation for technology (i.e., learn how technology is used…
Think Like a Citizen Scientist
In this Journey, you will: Find out how scientists use the scientific method to investigate the world and make discoveries. Do hands-on activities to learn how to make observations and collect data. Plan a Take Action project that helps others. If you’re a Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and…
Vision Awareness
Girl Scouting offers a variety of opportunities and challenges. With this in mind, the Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association (PPA) would like to offer the Girl Scouts the opportunity to earn a Vision Awareness Patch, which has been approved by the Girl Scout Council. PPA is an association committed to enhancing the quality of eye care. We…