Between Earth and Sky takes the girls on a journey of exploration of the world around them and their own personal skills and feelings. Girls learn about taking care of themselves, taking care of others, and taking care of the environment.
Between Earth and Sky – Journey in a Day
Part of the Journeys sequence. Earned by Daisy Scouts.
Blue Bucket - This first award encourages girls to become aware of their feelings and the feelings of those around them. It also encourages them to develop good…
Earned by Daisy Scouts.
Firefly - This second award is earned as the Daisies recognize and develop their skills and then choose a skill they will educate and inspire others about.…
Earned by Daisy Scouts.
Clover - Girls earn the third award as they team up to protect a natural treasure in their region. To earn the award, the girls: Learn about…
Earned by Daisy Scouts.