Visiting lakes, learning about water quality, or hearing from experts are on the agenda for Brownies on the WOW! Wonders of Water Journey. They put theory into practice by making informative posters, promoting recycling at school, or planting low-water gardens.
Some activities to help girls learn about the importance of water are:
- Can You Spare A Drop – Measuring the world’s fresh water
- In many developing areas women and children walk an average of 3.7 miles to fetch 5 gallons of water (Water for the Ages). Ask your Brownies to see how far they can carry their water.
- Girl Scouts of Colorado has a nice lesson plan for starting the SAVE and SHARE water awards.
Part of the Journeys sequence. Earned by Brownie Scouts.
LOVE Water - This first award encourages girls to become aware of the many ways they use and enjoy water. As they begin to understand the science of…
Earned by Brownie Scouts.
SAVE Water - The second award is earned when the Brownies team up and speak up as advocates to protect water or keep it clean in their community.…
Earned by Brownie Scouts.
SHARE Water - Girls earn the third award as they create an even bigger ripple by sharing their efforts for water with others, educating and inspiring them to…
Earned by Brownie Scouts.
WOW! - Girls culminate their journey by earning the WOW! Award, a grand finale that symbolizes the powerful change they've brought to their community. They earn the…
Earned by Brownie Scouts.