6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
850 Stratford Dr
State College
Ambassadors, Brownies, Cadettes, Daisies, Families, Juniors, Seniors
Uniform None
GSHPA SU 416 will be holding their inaugural Me & My Guy Dance on November 16th from 6 – 9PM.
All State College Girl Scouts and their Special Guest are invited to attend a Denim and Diamonds theme dinner and dance. The cost for this event is $20 per couple, $6 for each additional scout. No tickets will be sold at the door – this event is advanced purchase only – order by Nov. 9th.
To register for this event click here!
My husband, Brownie, and Daisy will be attending. This sounds great!
I would like to confirm that we registered for this. I believe we did but I don’t remember getting any sort of confirmation. Thanks!
Mary Hutchinson (Silvia and Nate Hutchinson)
Mary, ‘
I have Nate and Silvia on the list, we’ll see them tomorrow.