2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Ambassadors, Brownies, Cadettes, Daisies, Families, Juniors, Seniors
Uniform None
Calling all Scouts and their families to enjoy a painting event- this will be a step by step guided painting event. All ages can enjoy a 1 hour Zoom session to paint a winter scene.
When: January 24th at 2PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 937 7040 2522
Passcode: 681202
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Meeting ID: 937 7040 2522
Passcode: 681202
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abfVGoLYv2
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Supplies: A canvas or white page, paints in red, blue, yellow, black and white, a paint brush too.
No registration required.
Leader tips:
*The Dollar Tree has canvases and paint- girls only need a little of each color so one tub of paint could be enough for your whole troop to share.
*Brownie can complete Step 1 and Step 2 of the Painting Badge
Troop 40398 will have 1-6 girls interested! My daughter, May, will participate for sure. I’m sending out an email to the rest of the troops.
Troop #40049 is definitely interested in this event! Thank so much. I’ll get back to you with how many of our girls will be participating ASAP.
5 girls from troop #40049 will be joining in for this. Thanks!
Troop 40398 will have 5 girls joining! Do I need to include their names and parent email?