Choose your adventure: Go on a 3-day winter backpacking trip or a 3-day outdoor climbing trip. 1. Choose your outdoor adventure 2. Plan and prepare 3. Gather your gear 4. Set a goal and train for your adventure 5. Go on your outdoor adventure When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll have planned, prepared for and…
Sequence: Snow Adventure
Brownie Snow or Climbing Adventure
Choose your adventure: Ski along trails on a cross-country winter adventure, or learn climbing skills on an artificial wall, indoors or outdoors. 1. Choose your outdoor adventure 2. Plan and prepare 3. Gather your gear 4. Train for your adventure 5. Go on your outdoor adventure When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll have planned and…
Cadette Snow or Climbing Adventure Badge
Choose your adventure: Go on a skiing/snowboarding trip or have an outdoor climbing adventure. 1. Choose your outdoor adventure 2. Plan and prepare 3. Gather your gear 4. Set a goal and train for your adventure 5. Go on your outdoor adventure When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll have planned, learned the skills for and…
Daisy Snow or Climbing Adventure
Choose your adventure: Be active outside in the snow, or boulder on a rock-climbing wall using just your arms and legs—no rope or harness! Choose your outdoor adventure Prepare for your adventure Go on your outdoor adventure When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll know how to do active and fun things in the snow, or…
Junior Snow or Climbing Adventure
Choose your adventure: Go downhill skiing/snowboarding, or recreational tree climbing. 1. Choose your outdoor adventure 2. Plan and prepare 3. Gather your gear 4. Set a goal and train for your adventure 5. Go on your outdoor adventure When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll have learned the skills for—and experienced—downhill skiing, snowboarding or recreational tree…