Deb Bogdanski provided the following membership news details: On March 10th there will be a Town Hall open to all Girl Scouts and volunteers My GS will be down for maintenance Nov 18 to Dec 4, this includes the VTK, once the upgrade is complete the site will be more girl centric designed, more user…
Bronze Award: Birthday Bags
Lily N. from Troop 40170 completed her Bronze Project by making birthday bags for the local food bank so kids with food insecurity could have a birthday. The bags had cake mix, oil, streamers, balloons, icing with sprinkles, crayons, and coloring books:
Girl Scout Troop 40049’s Amuse Journey
In the Fall of 2019, the Junior Girl Scout Troop 40049 in Boalsburg, PA embarked on a Journey called aMuse. Journeys are a series of badges earned while in the process of learning through three keys to leadership: Discover, Connect and Take Action. The aMuse Journey challenges scouts to try on different roles, define and…
This Month in State College
October saw our troops getting back into the swing of things for our new Girl Scout Year. We bridged both virtually and by mail, Brownie Troop 41162 earn their Household Elf Badge with some virtual spider plant planting, Juniors from Troop 40170 climbed a literal mountain, and Cadette Troop 40429 hosted a Ghoul Scout Halloween…
Bronze Award: Little Free Libraries
Girl Scout Troop 40421 recently completed the installation of their Bronze Award project ~ building TWO Little Free Libraries for Circleville Park. The girls brainstormed 26 different community service project ideas, discussing the pro/cons, costs, and feasibility of each idea before narrowing their choices down to their top 5 project ideas. Taking into consideration the…