High school graduation may seem a long way off, but this is actually the perfect time to start thinking about what kind of further education you want. Why? Because whether you want to go to a university, community college, or vocational school, your education will cost money. If you find out how much money you’ll…
Sequence: Financial Literacy
Each year a scout can earn one of the financial literacy badges. These badges teach girls about using money wisely. Daisies will earn “leafs” instead of “badges”.
Good Credit
It’s almost impossible to go through life without borrowing money. Whether it’s something as basic as using a credit card or a more complex situation like a home mortgage or a small business loan, our economic system revolves around borrowing. And to borrow successfully, you need to have good credit. By completing this badge, you…
Making Choices
Find out the differences between needs and wants. Try setting a goal to save for what you want. Help others with what they need and want. Earned by Daisy Scouts. Download Additional Resources.
Money Counts
Understand different kinds of coins. Know more about paper money. Find out the cost of fun. Earned by Daisy Scouts. Download Additional Resources.
Money Manager
Money helps us buy things we need, like food and clothes. And money helps us buy things we want, like video games and movie tickets! Learn the difference between wants and needs in this badge. 1. Shop for elf items with your elf doll 2. Go grocery shopping 3. Go clothes shopping 4. Get ready…