Between Earth and Sky takes the girls on a journey of exploration of the world around them and their own personal skills and feelings. Girls learn about taking care of themselves, taking care of others, and taking care of the environment. Between Earth and Sky – Journey in a Day Earned by Daisy Scouts.Blue Bucket…
Sequence: Journeys
Scouts earn their Journey Summit Pin by completing any three journeys for their level.
Dreams do come true, especially for Ambassadors and the girls and women they inspire. On the BLISS: Live It! Give It! Journey girls may work with aspiring artists, meet successful athletes, or create a college exploration workshop to help others make their dreams a reality. Earned by Ambassador Scouts.
A wind farm, an environmental scientist, or experiments using wind teach girls about the air we breathe. Cadettes can work together to complete their Breathe! Journey by planting an indoor garden, campaigning against smoking, or pushing for clean-air initiatives in their community. Earned by Cadette Scouts.
Brownie Outdoor Journey
Brownies earn their Outdoor Journey by completing their three outdoor badges and then doing a “Take Action Project”. To complete this journey, Brownies should earn: Earn Brownie First Aid badge Earn Hiker badge Earn Cabin Camper badge. Complete a Take Action Project The capstone “Take Action Project” should focus on making the outdoor world a…
Brownie Quest
Girls learn how to take care of themselves, their families, their Girl Scout sisters, and their community in the Brownie Quest Journey. Together they read to younger kids, promote healthy eating, or choose a project that improves the lives of their neighbors. Brownie Quest In a Day Earned by Brownie Scouts.Brownie Quest Award – At the end…