When you earn your Financial Literacy badge called On My Own, you make a plan for your future. One way that businesses plan for the future is through R&D — Research and Development. They spend time and money researching new ideas. They also budget for development — taking those new ideas, refining them, and bringing…
Sequence: Cookie Business
Each year a girl can earn one of the Cookie Business badges. These badges help prepare them for cookie sales and determining how to use their cookie money. Daisy’s earn “leafs” instead of badges.
Talk It Up
Decide how to use your cookie money. Talk about how to use cookie money to help others. Inspire your customers. Earned by Daisy Scouts. Download Additional Resources.
Think Big
When you earn the Financial Literacy badge called Financing My Dreams, you learn to think big about your future. Now it’s time to think big about your cookie business! When you earn this Cookie Business badge, you’ll know how to take your business plan to a whole new level. 1. Come up with a big…