Our project focused on the importance of bees to our food supply and environment and took action to save bees by educating others and positively impacting bees’ habitat. The issue addressed was declining bee population, primarily due to loss of food/pollen supply and their habitat in general. Bees pollinate many fruits and other foods we eat,…
Fall Camp 2018
Our first fall camp at Camp Anderson was a bit muddy, but we had a super fun time! Thank you to all the troops who volunteered to run stations and create a wide variety of activities from knife skills to camp fire baking to cornhusk dolls and more.
Girl Scout Pen Pals
We have been contacted by a Girl Scout troop from Florida looking to become pen pals with a Girl Scout troop from another part of the country. If your troop would like to participate, please let us know and we will help everyone exchange contact information.
Credit Card Fees and Free Shipping
If your troop would like to accept credit cards, but is concerned about processing fees, don’t worry! GSHPA will reimburse your troop for your payment processing fees. In order to be eligible, credit card payments must be set up to deposit into your troop bank account. You can then use the Reimbursement Request Template to request reimbursement….
From Your Service Unit Leader:
I am hoping everyone had a great summer and is looking forward to a spectacular new Girl Scout year. We are working on many fun events for the upcoming 2018-2019 troop year, which officially runs from 10/1/18-9/30/19. All events will be listed on our calendar as they are announced: https://www.statecollegegirlscouts.org/events/. Over the summer, in preparation…