A product is anything developed by one person for another. An innovation is an invention that improves people’s lives, like a smartphone or a waterproof fabric for a tent. Some innovations are entirely new, and some take a product that already exists to make it better. In this badge, you’re the product designer. 1. Observe what…
Sequence: It's Your Story
Social Butterfly
Have you ever found yourself in a group or place where you didn’t know how to act? It happens to everyone. In this badge, have fun practicing the social style and good manners that will make you comfortable in any situation! 1. Hold a conversation 2. Use table manners 3. Be prepared for special occasions…
Social Innovator
Girl Scouts are always on the lookout for ways to help others and make a difference. But how do you go from identifying a social problem to developing a social solution? This badge will show you how! And with the skills of a social innovator in your pocket, you’ll be able to create Take Action…
Close your eyes and imagine the spoils of travel: different cultures, breathtaking vistas, exotic foods. You might picture zooming down a zip line in the Amazon, tasting a classic New York hot dog, or digging into local lore at the history museum next door. Whether you travel near or far in this badge, you’ll get…
Voice for Animals
As consumers of beauty products, clothing, and chicken nuggets, and as pet owners, horseback riders, or circus spectators, our relationships with animals play a big role in our lives. What are the specifics of the complex relationship between animals and humans? If you want to know more so that you can make informed choices—and help…