Have you found a geocache at Millbrook Marsh? Ever wanted to learn how to orienteer or see a partial lunar eclipse? Check out the State College Girl Scouts Fall Outdoor Challenge checklist for fun ways to get outside and celebrate fall. If you finished up the Summer Outdoor Challenge Checklist, don’t forget to order your patch and/or rocker! If you…
Sunflower House
Over the summer, Brownies from Troop 41162 grow a Sunflower House in Tudek Park with the help of the entire Service Unit. Thank you to all our dedicated Sunflower Tenders as well as the girls who painted rocks to help line the house entrance!
Gabriel Patches
As part of their Bronze Project, girls from Troop 40170 designed a Gabriel Patch for girls who want to help expectant mothers. Girls can earn this patch by learning about organizations that help expectant or new mothers and then helping expectant or new mothers either by volunteering time or donating supplies. Proceeds from the patch…
Fall Camporee Update
Based on feedback from several members, we are opening up Fall Camporee to families. This means that girls have the option of attending either with a troop following GSHPA girl/adult ratios or with their family. Adults attending as part of a family are NOT required to be registered and cleared Troop Activities Chaperones in order…
Summer Program Update
This past weekend our older girls finished out our summer program series with Trout Unlimited’s S.T.R.E.A.M Girls program. We learned about stream conservation (how to tell if a stream is healthy by surveying macroinvertebrates, measuring water flow, etc) and how to fly fish. All told, Service Unit 416 organized and ran 7 different programs benefiting…